StC objective – StC is the ultimate decision-making body of the project that will ensure the overall strategic steering of the project.
StC composition:
- Luz Paramio, Fundo Regional para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FRCT).
- Gilberto Carreira, Direção Regional dos Assuntos do Mar (DRAM).
- Mafalda Araujo/José Augusto Carvalho, Secretaria Regional de Mar e Pescas-Direção Regional do Mar (DROTA-DRM).
- Clemente Aguiar, Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação, Tecnologia e Inovação (ARDITI).
- Ana Paula Simão, Direção-Geral de Recursos Naturais, Segurança e Serviços Marítimos (DGRM).
- Víctor Gutiérrez López, Fundación Biodiversidad (FB-MITECO).
- Izaskun Preciado, Instituto Español de Oceanografía (IEO).
- Francisco Javier Martinez, Dirección General de Sostenibilidad de la Costa y del Mar- Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico (DGSCM-MITECO).
- Graham Pierce, Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas-Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (IIM/CSIC).
- Camino Liquete, Directorate-General for Environment (DG-ENV).
MS3 Teams & Experts
MS3 teams
Fundo Regional para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FRCT):
Luz Paramio is Executive Board Member and Scientific Coordinator of the Regional Fund for Science and Technology (FRCT). She has a PhD in Spatial Planning by the University of Azores (Portugal), MSc. in Coastal and Marine Management by the University of Cadiz (Spain) and a degree in Marine Sciences by the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain). Luz has worked on Ocean Governance and Blue economy as post-doctoral research member at the Centre of Applied Economics Studies of the Atlantic of the University of Azores, integrated researcher of the Center of Environmental and Maritime Studies of the University of Aveiro (Portugal) and guest professor at Maritime Affairs Line, Portuguese Catholic University (Portugal). In the last years, Luz has coordinated several European projects of the Regional Government of the Azores regarding maritime affairs and transboundary cooperation, as MISTIC SEAS 3 and MarSP project.
Maria Vale has a Degree in Biology – Marine Biology specialization (BSc, University of Azores), an MSc in Biology and Management of Marine Resources (University of Lisbon, Faculty of Sciences) and a PhD in Marine Ecology (University of Southampton, School of Ocean and Earth Sciences). Maria started her research at the Guia Maritime Laboratory within the scope of the Marina's Environmental Monitoring Program and the new Troiaresort Ferry Pier, being the researcher responsible for the descriptor - Intertidal Environments (5 years). Currently, she works as a Project Manager at the Regional Science and Technology Fund (FRCT-SRCMT), being involved in the coordination of European projects such as MISTIC SEAS and MarSP, also in the preparation of proposals applications, as well as in the execution and management of several other projects (INDICIT, AQUA-LIT).
Carolina Parelhoholds a PhD in Biology (Biomedicine and Ecotoxicology) by the University of the Azores (Portugal), a Post-Graduation in Biotechnology in Biological Control, and a Degree in Biological Sciences and Health. She was a Postdoctoral researcher in the CE3C – Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes (GBA - Azorean Biodiversity Group, Portugal). From 2012-2018, she was a researcher in the University of the Azores, in the field of Ecology and Environmental Heath, where she integrated several projects in the field of (Agro) Ecosystems Biodiversity and Heath/natural resources management and protection, having published several scientific papers in these areas. Currently, she works as a Project Manager at the Regional Fund for Science and Technology (FRCT) of the Azorean Regional Government.
Scientific team - IMAR:
Telmo Morato is a Marine Scientist at the Instituto do Mar and Okeanos Research Unit of the University of the Azores. His main research interest includes understanding deep-sea marine systems in a changing ocean to inform the sustainable management of deep-sea ecosystems. The sustainable use of marine resources while avoiding significant adverse impacts can only be achieved through the collaborative scientific exploration to inform integrated policy at both regional and basin scales. Hence, as a marine biologist and ecosystem-based management scientist, Telmo desire to apply more of his research-based achievements for improved governance. He is also committed to continuous knowledge transfer for improved management and conservation of deep-sea ecosystems at regional, national, and international levels; and to be actively involved in the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda, the EU Maritime Strategy for the Atlantic Ocean Area, the Galway Statement on Atlantic Ocean Cooperation, and the Belém Statement on research and innovation in the Atlantic.
Mónica Silva graduated in Biology from the University of Lisbon, with a PhD from the University of St. Andrews. Currently works as a Senior Research Associate at IMAR - Instituto do Mar and Okeanos Research Unit of the University of the Azores, and as Guest Investigator at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) (USA). Her main research interests include understanding how ecological, social and physiological factors interact to produce patterns of movements of marine predators at various spatial and temporal scales. This knowledge is critical to understand how marine predators will respond to natural and human-related environmental changes. Mónica is also actively involved in knowledge transfer and policy advising at regional, national and international levels, namely as permanent member of ICES and OSPAR expert groups on marine mammals. Webpage: /
Joana Brito is an early-career researcher, graduated in Biology from the University of Coimbra, with a Master degree in Ecology from the same University. Currently she is working as a research assistant in IMAR / Instituto do Mar and Okeanos Unit from the University of the Azores. Her research has been centred on studying spatial and temporal dynamics of marine food-webs, through ecosystem modelling. She is particularly keen on understanding how deep-sea and open-ocean ecosystems respond to fishing pressures, climate change and to spatial management strategies, as marine protected areas.
Filipe M Porteiro is the Regional Director of Sea Affairs of the Azores Regional Government since 2013. He has a Ph.D. on marine biology by the University of Liverpool (2005). Currently, he works to value the marine resources and maritime activities across the Azores maritime waters creating sustainable socio-economic development opportunities, within a framework of conservation and maritime spatial planning, based on robust scientific knowledge and encouraging active citizenship. He aims to contribute to the implementation of a better sustainable marine and maritime policy at regional, national and international levels. The Azores Directorate of Sea Affairs is involved in many European, National and Regional projects, to support Azores marine policies. FMP presented communications on Azores marine and maritime policies in many events and belongs to various Regional, National and International technical and political commissions and bodies. FMP was senior scientist at the University of the Azores from 1989 to 2013 and president of the Observatory of the Sea of the Azores, a regional NGO dedicated to the promotion of the sea, between 2009 and 2013. He participated in dozens of oceanographic campaigns, dove in several manned research submersibles, presented talks and posters in ca. 100 scientific and political fora and is author and co-author of ca. 50 peer reviewed papers, 8 books or books chapters and more than 80 other scientific/technical contributions. FMP taught at different educational levels since 1989 and has been responsible for many educational and outreach initiatives related with the sea of the Azores.
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Gilberto Manuel Pinto Carreira is a MSc and a PhD marine biologist who has been collaborating with DRAM, as part of its staff, since 2011, in several issues related to the implementation of marine policies and is currently Head of the Department of Biodiversity and Marine Policy. He has been working on the following subjects: Cephalopod biology and fisheries; Population genetics and phylogeography; Stock assignment of exploited marine species though molecular and morphological tools, as well as Marine policy issues.
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Inês Barros is an MSc and PhD marine biologist who has been participating in different research projects in the marine deep-sea ecology and marine biodiversity. Currently she has been collaborating with Sea Affairs of the Azores Regional Government (DRAM) namely projects related to integrated marine policies and Marine Strategy Framework Directive implementation.
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Vanda Carmo is a senior technician of the Sea Affairs of the Azores Regional Government (DRAM) since 2015. Graduated in Marine Biology. She carried out works on the deep sea, pelagic and demersal fish, plankton and trophic ecology. She is currently involved in the performance and participation of the Azores in the various community instruments for the conservation of the marine environment, namely Habitats and Birds Directives (Natura 2000 Network), Marine Strategy Framework Directive, OSPAR Convention, Convention for Biological Diversity, in the management of marine areas protected areas, monitoring species of interest for conservation and environmental education and awareness campaigns.
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José Nuno David e Silva Gomes Pereira PhD in Marine Sciences, in Ecology of the Deep Sea by the University of the Azores, and MSc Marine Biology from the University of the Algarve. He has published mostly on ecology, covering several fields of research, from cephalopods and cetaceans to deep-water habitats and ichthyological communities.
Writing, reporting and coordinating tasks are amongst its skills.
Nuno Azevedo is graduated in Financial Management, currently he is participating in different financial projects developed by Sea Affairs of the Azores Regional Government.
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Mafalda de Freitas Araújo is a marine biologist, specialist in shark taxonomy, manta rays and rays. Since 2020, she assumed the Regional Directorate for the Sea (DRM) of Madeira Government. She has participated in several scientific diving expeditions, scientific fishing and ROV missions, research projects and international congresses, mostly related with cartilaginous fish and in the area of ocean literacy.
Natacha Nogueira holds a Master Degree on Aquaculture by Las Palmas University and has been working on aquaculture related subjects on the last 15 years. As a member of ARDITI team, she participated in the implementation of the Marine Spatial Planning in Madeira and on the aquaculture regional plan. In the last 5 years, she participated in several research projects devoted to the MSP Directive and MSFD implementation in Madeira. Along with research work on marine aquaculture, she has been promoting awareness and exchange of knowledge to mainstream ocean literacy into several schools and general audience.
José Augusto Carvalho is a biologist, holds a PhD on Biogeography and Evolution. During the last years, most of his work has been on MSFD implementation and coordination within the subdivision of Madeira.
Filipe Freitas Henriques is a marine biologist with a Master's degree from the University of Algarve. He mainly worked on Marine Conservation and Biodiversity projects having participated in several scientific expeditions and developing skills such as integrated taxonomy, marine ecology and scientific diving. Currently, his interests are in ocean policy studies, with a special focus on MSFD and ocean literacy.
Scientific team – Museu da Baleia da Madeira (MBM):
Luis Freitas has a Degree in Biology (variant Zoology) by the Sciences Faculty of Lisbon University and specialized in Marine and Fisheries Sciences with a MSc Degree, by the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. In the last 25 years, he promoted in the Madeira Whale Museum, as principal scientist and manager, five scientific research projects in the fields of biology, ecology and conservation of cetaceans in Madeira archipelago and Macaronesia, and participated as a cetacean ecology and conservation expert in Mistic Seas and Mistic Seas II projects.
Luis Outeiro studied and used for the last 20 years integrative modelling of socio-ecological processes, lately with emphasis on food-web ecosystem to model the impact of fisheries and aquaculture. He holds a PhD in Geography from University of Barcelona, and he has a postdoc in Chile and Galicia with research stays in Canada, Australia, USA and the UK
Philippe Verborgh has worked on ecology and demographic parameters of cetaceans in the south of Spain during 15 years and for the last two years I was involved in the project Mistic Seas II to design, carry out and analyse photo-identification survey data to estimate abundance of bottlenose dolphins and short-finned pilot whales in Madeira.
Ruth Esteban has been studying marine mammals for 15 years, she has a Ph.D. on the ecology of killer whales in southern Spain, and she started working with the Madeira Whale Museum since 2017 for the project MISTIC SEAS II.
Scientific team – Universidade da Madeira (UMA):
Manfred Kaufmann holds a PhD in Biological Oceanography and a Masters in Biology (majors: Marine Zoology, Fisheries Biology and Marine Chemistry), both from the Institute of Marine Research, Kiel, Germany (now: Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research). His main research areas are phytoplankton communities and dynamics around seamounts and islands (taxonomy and ecology), potentially harmful benthic dinoflagellates (HAB) and marine ecology. He is an assistant professor at the University of Madeira, having extensive experience in undergraduate and postgraduate (master's, doctoral) training. Between 2003 and 2009 he was a partner in the GAME (Global Approach by Modular Experiments) research and training project. He is an associate researcher at CIIMAR, University of Porto, one of the largest marine research centers in Portugal, and a member of the Madeira Ocean Observatory, which promotes marine and environmental research at a more local and regional level. He has integrated more than 10 international multidisciplinary oceanographic expeditions aboard research vessels totaling more than 260 days at sea to investigate the dynamics of phytoplankton communities around seamounts and islands. He also participated in the EU's transnational PCT-MAC2007-2013 program, in the project GESMAR (Sustainable Management of Marine Resources 2010-2012) which investigated the ecological, geological and physical aspects of an area colonised with seagrass in Madeira. Currently he participates in 3 INTERREG projects, 2 of the Macaronesian area, POC MAC 2014-2020, (REBECA and MIMAR) and 1 of the Atlantic Area (iFADO). He contributes as an expert to the project MISTIC SEAS III. He is also an experienced diver with more than 760 hours of scuba diving, in both saltwater and inland waters.
Inmaculada Herrera Rivero holds a PhD n Marine Sciences (PhD in Biological Oceanography) from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) since 2014. She has two master’s degrees in Oceanography and another in Management of Fisheries Resources by the ULPGC. She has a long experience in biological oceanography, coupling physical, chemical and biological variables. From May 2014 to December 2017 worked in different oceanographic centres of the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO), Malaga, Cadiz and Canary Islands (Tenerife Island). During 2018-2019 worked as Postdoc researcher at IU-ECOAQUA, ULPGC in the MarSP project (Macaronesian Maritime Spatial Planning).
Scientific team – Direção de Serviços de Monitorização, Estudos e Investigação do Mar (DSEIMar):
João Delgado is the current director of the Sea Monitoring, Studies and Research Service. He is a biologist, who holds a Master's degree in Earth and Life Sciences, has as main interests biological studies in Fisheries Biology, especially in deep-water resources.
Ana Paula Simão is a chemical engineer and Head of Environmental Monitoring Unit at DGRM, responsible for the national coordination of the Portuguese Maritime Spatial Plan, for the permitting regime for the private use of the national maritime space, and for Portuguese Marine Strategies coordination in the scope of Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). Ana Paula is also the Portuguese national representative at the European Commission Expert Group on Strategic Coordination for the MSFD and Co-convenor at Intersessional Correspondence Group for the Implementation of the MSFD under OSPAR Convention, and has coordinated DGRM participation in the EU funded projects: Mistic Seas I, II, III and RAGES.
Vera Lopes is graduated in Environmental Engineering and has a MSc in Public Administration. Main technical work areas include environmental permitting and liability, risk assessment and environmental management. Vera has been working for the past 6 years in the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive in Portugal focusing on the drafting and implementation of the Monitoring Programmes. She is the Portuguese representative on the EU Working Groups on Good Environmental State and on Data, Information and Knowledge Exchange and has participated in projects Mistic Seas I and II.
Joana Otero Matias is graduate in Biology. With a background in biology and environmental sciences, Joana has hands-on experience in both ecological restoration and environmental policy. She works in the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive in DGRM since 2019 and represents Portugal in several technical working groups of OSPAR Convention and European Commission. Before she worked for DGRM under the Mistic Seas II project, namely in the development of a risk framework to support the implementation of the MSFD.
Fundación Biodiversidad
Víctor Gutiérrez López BSc Environmental Sciences at Autonoma University of Madrid and Ecology (specialist in Friedrich Schiller Jena University) specializes in environmental projects direction and management, basically related to terrestrial and marine conservation and management. Since 2003 working at Biodiversity Foundation, a public body belonging to the Spanish Ministry of the Environment, as Projects coordinator, especially projects at international level (LIFE and ENPI Programmes): INDEMARES, Urogallo cantábrico, Desmania, PAF on Natura 2000, ECOSAFIMED, SHARA, INTEMARES AND ELCN. He also teaches in some environmental schools.
He is highly skilled in staff direction for the development of environmental projects on different issues, such as biodiversity conservation, climate change and envirnonmental threats . Also specialized in project evaluation, management, technical and financial monitoring and reporting.
Reyes del Río is in charge of the technical and economic supervision of the MISTIC SEAS project. It carries out the complementarity evaluation of the projects benefiting from the EMFF, ESF and other conventions implemented by the Biodiversity Foundation within the framework of the LIFE INTEMARES project, as well as its contribution to the Priority Action Framework for the Natura 2000. It participates in the " Environmental education for sustainability" project. She has been working at the Fundación Biodiversidad since 2005, where she has developed her work in different departments: Training, Communication and Awareness, Natural Heritage and Projects and Calls. She has a degree in Labour Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid and Tourism Companies and Activities from the National University of Distance Education.
Sonia Ortega graduated in Journalism by the Complutense University of Madrid, specializing in corporate communications and public relations. Since 2005 implements activities linked to Communication and Awareness of Biodiversity Foundation. As head of the Department of Communication, leads various communication initiatives and institutional image.
She has worked in various press offices of environmental field and media addressing this same topic.
Esther Zabala has a degree in Business and Tourism Activities from the National University of Distance Education, with extensive experience in project management. She carries out the economic monitoring of several European projects
Camilo Saavedra is doctor in science, technology and management of the marine environment from the Campus do Mar. Degree in Marine Biology from the University of A Coruña. He has a Master's degree in Fisheries Assessment and Management from the University of Vigo and another in Advanced Statistics from the UNED. He has worked as a fisheries observer in national and international fishing grounds, a scientific diver in different marine reserves, as well as an observer of marine mammals and birds in oceanographic surveys in the Northwest Atlantic and Eastern Pacific. He has participated in several expert groups of ICES (WGBYC, WGMME), OSPAR (OMMEG), ASCOBANS, ACCOBAMS, IWC, etc. His research and field of work have focused on the population modelling of different marine species, mainly cetaceans, as well as the estimation of their abundance. He is also in multispecies modeling studying the role of marine mammals in the ecosystem, as well as its implications in the management of commercial fish stocks and the management of incidental catch (bycatch) produced by fisheries. He is currently working on the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive among other projects, and head the Marine Mammals and Ecosystems lab of the Spanish Institute of Oceanography at the Vigo Oceanographic Center.
Izaskun Preciado, PhD in Marine biological science is a specialist in trophic ecology of fish. Since 2010, she has been the scientist responsible for the assessment of Descriptor 4 as part of the MSFD implementation in Spain. She is also co-chairing the Food Web Expert Group (ICG-COBAM, OSPAR) since 2019. Her background on spatio-temporal analyses of fish feeding habits using ecosystem modeling has led her to specialize in food web indicators and the impact of anthropogenic pressure on the structure and functioning of marine food webs. She has been the chief scientist of several scientific surveys in the southern Bay of Biscay (IBTS bottom trawl demersal surveys).
Julio Valeiras is senior scientist of the Spanish Institute of Oceanography with 20 years of experience on fisheries research. From 1998 joining national and international projects on marine resources of Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans and Mediterranean Sea. Main work on research projects at IEO about fishery biology and ecology of European fisheries, mainly on fishing discards, bycatch and impact of fisheries on stocks and ecosystems. He has worked out on board as scientific observer at commercial vessels in trials to study discards, selectivity and tagging trips and experimental fishing. He participated in 28 research surveys on board oceanographic vessels.
The General Sub-Directorate for the Protection of the Sea (Subdirección General para la Protección del Mar, SGPM) belonging to the General Directorate of the Coast and the Sea (DGCM) of the Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographical Challenge (MITERD), is the administrative department responsible for the development of the five Spanish marine strategies and ensuring Spain’s compliance with MSFD.
Francisco Javier Martínez Bedia holds a degree in Environmental Science and works for the General Sub-Directorate for the Protection of the Sea (Subdirección General para la Protección del Mar, SGPM) in Spain. He works on the implementation and compliance of MFSD in Spain, especially focusing on the biodiversity descriptors.
Paula Isabel Valcarce Arenas holds a degree in Biology and a Master's degree in fisheries and Aquaculture. She works for the General Sub-Directorate for the Protection of the Sea (Subdirección General para la Protección del Mar, SGPM) in Spain. Department responsible for the implementation and compliance of MFSD in Spain. Paula is responsible mainly for the coordination of biodiversity and fisheries descriptors.
Lucía Martínez García-Denche holds a degree in Environmental Science and is responsible for the coordination of the technical issues of the MSFD in SGPM. She is in charge of the implementation of the second cycle of Spanish marine strategies. Currently, she is the ES representative for the Marine Strategy Coordination Group, as well as for the MSFD Committee.
Graham Pierce is Head of the Department of Marine ecology and Resources at IIM and has 35 years of research experience in the field of marine ecology, with particular interests in cetaceans, cephalopods, fisheries and marine conservation. He participates in the work of ICES (e.g. through WGCEPH and WGMME), ASCOBANS and IWC. Apart from MISTICSEAS III, he also participates in the Cephs & Chefs INTERREG project and has two national projects (TRANSITION on trophic transfers of hazards and NuTEC on eDNA). He has published around 270 papers in SCI journals and supervised around 50 PhD students.
Gema Hernandez-Milian is a marine biologist, holding a PhD in trophic ecology on marine top predators and she is also a fish bone taxonomist. She has been working on food webs and trophic interactions for more than 15 years in Atlantic and Mediterranean waters. Since 2013 she has developed another research line on the trophic transfer of plastic pollution in marine top predators. She has participated in several scientific projects, international workshops and conferences. She has worked for both IIM-CSIC and IEO on the MISTIC SEAS 3 project.
AB objective – AB is a consultive board of leading experts that will follow up on the project, provide advice to the consortium on a range of issues, ensuring the scientific quality of the action throughout the whole project.
AB composition
Simone Libralato PhD, researcher at the Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale – OGS, in Trieste (Italy) since 2008 has a background in ecological modelling and quantitative analyses with special emphasis on food web models, ecosystem models and indicators applied for studying ecosystem effects of different stressors (fishing, aquaculture, pollution, climate change and nutrient input) on marine ecosystems.
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Chiara Piroddi is a Scientific Officer in the Unit of Water and Marine Resources at the Joint Research Centre, European Commission. She is an ecosystem modeller working on assessing European marine ecosystems status and predicting future dynamics under different policies scenarios. Her previous experience dealt with modelling 1) marine ecosystems (e.g., Baltic Sea, Georgia Strait, Chesapeake Bay and Peru, Mediterranean Sea) under the impact of fishing pressure and 2) coastal and marine ecosystem services (i.e., through the use of model derived indicators). She participated to several international and EU marine projects focused on marine biodiversity, ecological indicators, marine conservation and management.
José Juan Castro Hernández holds a PhD in Marine Science specialized in assessment and management of small-scale and recreational fisheries. Lecturer at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) since 1992. He has collaborated in several research projects at a European, National and Regional levels addressed to the assessment of artisanal fisheries in the Central-east Atlantic and West Africa, and on food-web models and ecosystem approach to fisheries management.
Lorena Couce Montero holds a PhD in Marine Science (Coastal management) by the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain) and she specializes in food-web models and ecosystem approach to fisheries management. Since 2017, she has been working on PLASMAR project, developing monitoring methods to assess Descriptors 3 and 4 of Marine Strategy Framework Directive. She has recently joined the PLASMAR + project where she will assess the potential, compatibility and synergy of marine activities with MPAs in Macaronesia, using ecosystem models.
Cátia Gouveia has a degree in Biology, Environment and Evolution from the University of the Azores and a master's degree in Science and Geographic Information Systems from the New University of Lisbon. Coordinator of the Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds in Madeira since 2015, she has more than a decade of experience in ecology and conservation projects for seabirds and their habitats.
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Susana Garrido is a Senior Researcher at the Division of Modelling and Management of Fishery Resources of IPMA. She completed her PhD degree in Marine Sciences at the University of the Algarve in 2007. Her research is mostly focused on the ecology and biology of pelagic fish species, from larvae to adults, particularly small pelagic fish. She co-authored 2 comprehensive book chapters on the trophic ecology of sardine and anchovy species of the world, >35 research papers on international refereed journals. She is the national co-coordinator of sardine stock assessment and coordinator of anchovy stock assessment, and member of ICES groups. She participated and coordinated >20 national and international projects. She served as Guest Editor for MEPS in two special volumes and was Invited Speaker at the 2017 International Small Pelagic Fish Symposium (ICES/PICES) held in Victoria, Canada. In her work she uses complementary techniques such as gut analysis, fatty acid biomarkers and stable isotopes to assess the feeding ecology, and laboratory experimentation to describe vital rates and foraging in relation to environmental factors. She is also involved in trying to develop environmental indicators useful for fisheries management.
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